Mrs. Freeland’s Weekly Note
November 14-18
Due to our shortened week next week, we will not have a spelling list.
Class T-Shirts:
Let’s wear our class t-shirts on the day before Thanksgiving Break! (Wednesday, November 23rd).
Christmas Information:
For those of you who like to plan ahead with your Christmas shopping, I would like to share with you the plans for our Christmas Class Party. If you’re not ready to think about Christmas shopping yet, just save this information for a later date! We will be celebrating Christmas in our classroom on the afternoon of Thursday, December 20th. At this party we will be exchanging gifts. Every child will need to bring in a small item for each classmate. These gifts should all be the same item. The only exception would be getting something different for the girls than the boys. We currently have 26 children in our class who will be celebrating Christmas, 14 girls and 12 boys. You might want to look for low-cost packaged items that can be divided among the students. Dollar stores usually have a large selection of these types of items, along with the birthday party section at Wal-Mart, Meijer, etc. Some suggestions are pencils, erasers, a marker, ruler, glue stick, pad of paper, coloring book, fun pad, magnet, stamp, bookmark, tape, stickers, bouncy ball, sticky notes, mini-can of play-dough, chap stick, hair tie/barrette/jewelry for girls, small toy car for boys, etc. Each student will deliver the gifts during our Christmas party into bags that we will decorate at school. These gifts do not have to be wrapped, but you can if you would like to. I know the children will enjoy opening their Christmas bags! If you have any questions, please call or write. Thanks for your help!
Our Student of the Week was Tyne Cotton. Nice work!
Looking Ahead:
No School, Thanksgiving Break
Monday, December 12th-
Christmas Program in High School Gymnasium
The First Thanksgiving:
This month we have been learning about the Pilgrims and the very first Thanksgiving. Did you know that the first Thanksgiving lasted three whole days? The children learned that the Pilgrims and the Native Americans celebrated Thanksgiving together because the Pilgrims were so thankful for the plentiful harvest that the Native Americans helped them with. We have read several books that have told us about the long, hard journey the Pilgrims had on the Mayflower as they traveled to the New World.
Due to Thanksgiving Break, there will not be a newsletter sent home next week. The next classroom newsletter will be sent home on Friday, December 2nd. Friday Folders will come home the day before Thanksgiving next week. I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoys their time together!
We have started Unit 3 in our Everyday Math Series. Unit 3 begins with money. We have learned how to exchange money (to trade one coin combination for an equal coin or coin combination). Please work with your child on coin combinations at home and how to exchange these combinations.
Feed the Troops Challenge:
We ended our Feed the Troops Challenge today. I’m not sure how much food we have gathered. I’ll send home an update when we know for sure. Thank you all for your help and cooperation!
Speed Stack Orders:
Mrs. Kelley asks that I remind you that speed stack orders are due on Wednesday, November 30th. She will not accept any orders after this day. In order for the shipment to be received before Christmas break she must send them out at the end of the day on Wednesday.
Mrs. Wiggins has sent home a letter about our Christmas Program being held on Monday, December 12th. All children received a letter, but not all children have a speaking part. If your child has a speaking part I discussed it with you at Parent/Teacher Conferences. You can find that letter in your child’s Friday Folder today.